
Hair Fixing Zone

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Chemotherapy wigs & hair replacement is the best options

Men who are faced with hair loss from chemotherapy/Alopecia or radiation treatment often choose at least one wig and then alternate wearing the wig(s) with hats and scarves. Remember, your hair will grow back, although its thickness, texture, and color may not be the same as it was before treatment.

What should you do to prepare for hair loss?

Make sure you actually will need a wig. Not all chemotherapy and Alopecia cause hair loss.

If your hair is long, consider having it cut short so that switching to a wig or other head covering will be less noticeable.

Hair generally falls out 2-3 weeks after your first chemo treatment.

Once it starts falling out, consider having your head shaved (use an electric razor to avoid cuts).

This can make you feel more in control and keeps you from waking up to find itchy hair all over your pillow.

If you still need something to catch the hair, you may want to buy a Mesh Cap.

You may notice that some hair may begin to grow back between treatments, but then fall out again.





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